Monday, August 06, 2007

Calling Nurse Katrina, Calling Nurse Katrina!

Katrina and about 100 of her newest friends gathered Sunday to gratulate her on becoming a Nurse Practioner (and, well, actually, the rest of the 100 also were so awarded...but they have to get their own blog recognition). That's Katrina on the last row, the last seat, on the far side of the group of graduates (click on the picture to find Waldo, er, I mean Katrina's smiling face).

Katrina received her "Pin" from the Dean which signified that she was one of "them." She has to take a big test later that qualifies her to practice (why do they always say "practice" medicine on patients ... hummmmmm).

She strolled across the stage with a certain determination, style and grace that only a woman so near to giving birth again could do...with a bounce and springy step, lighter than air, except for any slight awkwardness caused by the basketball she was hiding under the dress...
And after she crossed the stage, in characteristic form, she stopped to applaud the next person to cross the (nearly) finish line.

There were a bunch of relatives and friends on hand for the event...and truly a wonderful time was had by all!:-)
One more big announcement, Nafeh has received his MS and is on easy street toward getting his MD and perhaps his PhD...and soon there won't be anough alphabet left!
We all had a great Sunday, getting to spend the day with the Fananapazir's and more photos of those events will follow.

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