Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 has come and gone.

So, here was almost all of the crowd that gathered at the Foroughi's.
You may know everyone...if you don't, just ask.
It was a good time to get some shots of the grandparentals and at least a couple of the great grandchildren.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Last Vestiges of Fall

These are truly beautiful days in the Tennessee Valley.
The temperature hovers around 60 degrees ... no humidity ... extremely pleasant ... but there are signs that winter, or something approximating winter, is approaching.
The local insect population is gathering the last of the nectar ... and there has been some color to the end of Fall despite the drought.
How do I know that this could be one of those years when we have snow and ice? The squirrels have all grown thick coats of fur and have built larger-than-normal houses in the tops of the trees.
So, we'll see what kind of climate change we get this year.
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Baby Visit

For all too brief a time, Jameh and Taleh came by for a visit at the end of last week. Everyone took turns with the is a selection from hundreds of shots.:-)
Amelia was able to share some moments with did the Ms. & Mock kiddies.

Where was Katrina?:-(

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Just a nice stroll in the woods...

Last weekend (sorry it has taken so long), we packed up who we had and grabbed Maria and the boys, and ex-officio family member Dustin, and headed up to Huntsville Mtn.
It was a beautiful day...'cept Amelia was already tired and really not up to us getting lost first thing on the newly designed trails...fortunately a guy wandered by and told us we were already going down the mountain before we had started up!
We even saw a car that apparently had been deposited in the woods from the 1989 Airpport Rd. tornado (our guess anyway).

It was grueling, legs burning, lungs pumping, and a darned good thing it wasn't Colorado!

But we found our way
and had a picnic lunch, finally getting to use the expensive picnic backpack I bought for Rosana's March birthday in advance of our eventual wanderweg trek in Switzerland.

Everyone recovered.

(photos courtesy of Jeremy.:-)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Water, Water .....

What a contrast global climate change brings on the same day. Areas within 50 miles northeast of Huntsville are absolutely running out of water, while other areas in Mexico are submerged.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

's been a busy time

Well, I have been very busy since coming home from Ohio. Getting caught up back in the flow of things.
One of the first events to get me back-adjusted was the Birth of the Bab observance.
As a part of our Book 4 study circle group, we put on a story telling program hosted by Ruhi. She gave us an inspiring brief talk about life in Shiraz as a girl and how it felt to grow up in the spiritual and historic birthplace of this religious Cycle of human history...
we were graced by a performance from Semina, too.

Our study circle presented a part of the story of the Bab's early years. Following brief narratives from Rosana, Diana and Maria, I took on the portrayal of Shaykh Abid, the Bab's school teacher and told the story of his first years in school (see pages 50-51 of The Dawn Breakers). It was a moving and enchanting performance (once you get past the period kinda have to guess about the period) to be sure.:-)

Then, the "sister act" performed an unforgettable ahhhhh-kapella ...
Jessie Wolfe presented a wonderful rendition of a poem...
and Darren presented a brief talk on the Titles of the Bab, with Carolyn leading us all in song at the end.
The food, as always, was plentiful and good. Our guests seemed very pleased.