Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Old Homestead

You may remember that the last time you saw our house it was a kinda dirty gray because of the concrete sheeting ... that replaced the yellow look of the house wrap ...that replaced the brown look of the plywood ... that replaced the blue look of the foam insulation ... that replaced the blue look of the masonite siding.  
And now we are adding the mesh material in preparation for the stucco...

Rosana has been the main "stuckie" rolling on the glue that will hold the mesh...It has been a challenge to put it in place...Sometimes it doesn't stay when you least expect it...But she always comes up smiling...I don't know if it is because she is enjoying her work or it is finally happening, or both!Then comes applying the stucco which has the consistency of oatmeal...and you know how much I like being alone on the top of a ladder!!!!!But the days have been nice as of late...and Rosana's flowers have been beautiful, that is the late ones like this Dahlia....and the Morning Glory (those are her Mums in the background).We are under constant survelliance by the neighborhood, and the pesky creatures that abound....But we have finished the front and at least half of the south side.  Incidentially, the color change is due to a change in the Base Coat tint we were not aware of.  Not to worry, the Finish Coat will all be the same color!
Also, we wanted to share a fine view (albeit upside down) out of our bedroom picture window of our colorful backyard....could be one of the main reasons why we added the huge windows....Trying to get everything done while the weather cooperates.  Wish us luck and good weather.